Foeder and Barrel: Aged to Perfection

Our foeder and barrel program is a time-honored tradition of aging beer in wooden vessels, imparting unique flavours and characteristics that can't be achieved with stainless steel tanks. Our beers are carefully aged in a variety of barrels and foeders, each with their own flavour profiles, resulting in a complex and layered taste experience.

What is a Foeder?
Foeder (pronounced FOOD-er) is a large wooden vat used to ferment or age beer. Brewers use Foeders to impart complex characteristics into the beer with notes that can range from delicate oak vanillins pulled from the wood, to funk-forward profiles derived from wild yeast. 

Solera Farmhouse Saison

Solera is our flagship Foeder beer. From the release of Batch #001 August 1, 2017, we’ve set aside a portion of each annual brew in Foeder No. 5. Each year we brew the same recipe in that Foeder each year allowing the beers to introduce themselves into one another, creating a Solera effect. Now every August 1, our brew-anniversary, we bottle the blended beer from Foeder No. 5, knowing a part of the original 2017 brew lives on.

Farmhouse Saison is a historic style of beer that was originally created by farmers who would brew batches of low-alcohol beer to quench the thirst of their farmhands during the hot summer months. This style of beer incorporates ingredients that are tightly woven into this land and its water, air and people.

Strong Beer/Bière Forte

Currently cellared.